Featured posts
Earn your freedom as soon as you can
To forge your own luck, earn your freedom as soon as you can.
24/04/2024The fall of the West / The parents that failed their children
I will explore the most important civil liberties, and argue why in the West they are on their knees already, providing concrete examples. We are closer than we think to tyranny, but boomers don’t care.
10/04/2024The New World Order
The dollar will lose hegemony. And western democracies might ban crypto to try to delay the inevitable.
20/03/2023The West is in ruins
Humankind is long-term default dead, and not default alive.
09/10/2022How boomers destroyed the West
Lately, I have been asking myself: why is art and culture worse today than a few decades ago?
05/04/2022The future that got stolen from us
Once upon a time, society saw technological progress as the way to free people from 9-to-5 jobs. Where did that dream go?
16/04/2021Telegram DAOs
Let's go where existing internet communities live and supercharge them with crypto. Let's take DAOs to Telegram!
30/04/2020The uncomfortable truth of college
Why it made sense in the Industrial Era, and why it doesn’t today